6 Life lessons for motivation and success

Raman Bindra
5 min readApr 6, 2021

Who doesn’t like to give advice?

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

We all love giving advice and that’s the reason there are millions of self-proclaimed influencers out there providing life changing tips and advices.

You know..

  • Studies shows that giving advice influences your sense of power that means each time you share an advice to anyone and if they like or follow, it will make you feel powerful.
  • According to an article published in Forbes, it’s easy to give good advice to others but difficult to apply on ourselves.

I believe there is nothing wrong in giving advice specially with an intent of greater good. I feel motivated when I read good stuff on internet. Most often when I am stuck and not feeling comfortable sharing my problem, I look forward on internet to get some help and believe me, it works well. So, with thought of giving back.

Here are my two cents of advice.

Life is unfair, Accept it

The only thing that makes life unfair is the delusion that it should be fair. — Steve Maraboli

Most of us acknowledge that life can be unfair and harsh occasionally, but the hard part is we fail to accept it. Having thoughts that you are unfortunate and life sucks is normal. Even the most successful people would have had similar feelings at some time in their life. The problem is that the moment you address these thoughts with self-empathy it can make you feel miserable. It steals your ability to fight with the situation to change it in your favor. It’s important to learn, how to recognize the situations which are beyond your control and ignore them without affecting you, so that you can shift your focus on things you can control and work in direction to achieve your goals.

Never look back and Regret

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in. — Katherine Mansfield

The frustrating thing about past is that you can’t go back and change it. So, there is no point contemplating about your past mistakes or actions. Although, spending time in introspecting and learning from past mistakes is crucial for personal development but ruminating in past with regret will only bring misery and make you feel bitter. We are humans and we are born to make mistakes. The character of person is not determined by the mistakes he makes but by the ability to learn from those mistakes. When I moved to Australia, I was jobless for nearly 2 months and after one silly interview where I thought I could have done better. I was sitting alone regretting that I have missed the golden opportunity. Later, I was joined by other house mate who asked me the reason for being upset. After listening to my story, he smiled at me and replied these small things like failing in an interview doesn’t matter in long run. Think your life five year from now, you will be laughing on yourself, how foolish I was to waste my time and energy regretting on such small things.

You are exactly where you need to be

In today’s fast-paced life, you often feel stuck with an ordinary job, tiring relationship or feel like you have missed once in a lifetime opportunity to invest and grow your wealth multi folds. All these situations are prevalent, most of us face similar situations in our day to day life. Trust me, cursing your fate for these minor challenges won’t make you feel better. There are better things to do than worrying about these trivial problems.

On the flip side this doesn’t hold true for few extreme painful situations such as losing loved ones, suffering from deadly disease or mental illness, and hit by substance addiction and more. No one wants to be in such painful situation. If you are in such situation, then don’t believe that you are at right place. Therefore, make efforts to get out from it and don’t shy away to seek help if required.

It’s never too late

We are raised in a society where we are under constant pressure to achieve things within certain age. There is an age to every thing we do in our life starting from our birth to death. There is a specific age to start school, finish school, start your job, get married, buy a house, have kids and what not. Even though most of us understand the problem but fail to break the stereotype because our mind has been conditioned in such a way. With every passing day it gets difficult to break the stereotype and we settle down to give up on our dreams. If you want to be satisfied and successful, then better — do it now than never. There are endless inspiring stories of people who have wronged the world with their late success.

Attitude matters the most

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. — Maya Angelou.

Some people say its hard work, and some say its talent, but I believe it’s the attitude which matters the most. Of course, hard work and talent by any means are not less worthy attributes in contributing to success but attitude brings the real difference. Attitude is your unique way of thinking about life or a problem. All successful people have one thing common that is to kick on the face of adversities, they all see opportunities in the problem. Hard part is that there is no simple way to change your attitude. It’s an evolutionary process and the best way is to work closely with yourself and train your brain to think positive. Take baby steps to bring the desired change and you will notice the difference slowly. There is nothing which can replace the real-life experience however I think reading is the closest thing. Therefore, reading inspirational stories/books can help in building positive attitude.

Consistency is the key to success

It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”– Anthony Robbins

I feel no shame in slamming myself for not being consistent. I have lost the count to, how many times, I have planned to work on my communication skills, start a side hustle, get regular to gym but no real output. You know why? because I lack consistency. Two primary reasons why we fail to achieve consistency are — distractions and instant gratification. Ironically, having set goals, resources and even knowing the root cause of failure isn’t helpful. Key to consistency is focus and determination. If you want extraordinary results, then you have to go an extra mile.

